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Friday, April 1, 2011


Hey Everyone,

Just an update on me.

Sorry it's been so long, I rarely get on computers anymore since I have to be on one for college 24/7! Well yes I'm still in college I'm in my second year second semester and getting ready to graduate in May with my OSTC Associates Degree, I have made Dean's list for both Fall Semesters and I'm hoping to end this Spring with another one!

After this May I will be working at my Ice Cream job full time and possibly a second job (I hope) because drumroll.........

I'm going back to college for a B.A. and then Masters in Elementary Education!!

I am very excited I'm going for this, I've always wanted to be a teacher and here I go!!

I am busy right now with TONS of Homework, 5 page report due Tuesday, Ill. assignment due Monday, Accouting test next week, CAcct quiz Tuesday, but I did get my internship done, yay! It was a great expierence and I worked with great people, but I am glad it's over so I can focus on more school, graduating, getting another job, getting back to my summber job, and possibly summer classes. Ha I was told at my internship to slow down cause I work to fast but at this point in my life I think I always move fast I always want tomorrow right now but I know when I'm older I'll regret it!

Well I hope this update got everything up to date.. ya know how to reach me.. ha I have to many ways to be reached I think let's see:


Yeah that's to many! haha
I hope everyone is great and enjoying each day!!


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