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Monday, July 19, 2010


Today was pretty nice outside but warm still.. but I love SUMMER!!!

This morning I just hung out with Grandma while Jen and Grandpa went golfing then we all hung out around the house until 5:30.

Then we all went shopping (Grandpa insisted on buying us girls some clothes) so I got some nice clothes that will be great for school too..

Then we stop to pick up dinner to bring home and then when we got home me and Jen went running it went great for me I didn't feel like stopping.

Then we ate a little dinner and I got cleaned up..

Now we are just sitting in the living room they are watching a movie I am messing around and grandma is slowly but surely falling asleep..

Just in case your wondering: My head is freezing my hair is wet and I am sitting right under the air conditioner.. haha

ok well enough rambeling for tonight..

Good night and Love you,
Lauren :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! I am so happy you guys are having a good time! And I know you are making your grandparents just as happy! How is your eye this morning? I hope the meds are improving it and will be back to normal soon. Dad and I miss you guys so much, it is just not the same around here, and the dogs are looking for you both! Can't wait to have you back, but hope you have a great rest of your week there.
    love you!!!!
